Nakuknite do kráľovských pracovní! Pozýva princ William, kráľovná Letizia a ďalší

V dobe koronakrízy sa mnoho členov kráľovských rodín prihovára spoluobčanom z ich pracovní. Pozrite sa, ako to v nich vyzerá!

26.04.2020 12:00
felipe Foto:
Španielsky kráľ Felipe a jeho manželka, kráľovná Letizia v pracovni.

Pracovňa princa Williama

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Self-isolation and social distancing can pose huge challenges to our mental health — in recent weeks The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have been in regular contact with organisations and patronages to understand the issues they are facing during this difficult time. Last week ☎️ The Duke spoke to @mindcharity CEO Paul Farmer, and The Duchess spoke to Catherine Roche, CEO of @_place2be. Today Public Health England has published new guidance to help support people during the COVID-19 outbreak, and updated its world-leading Every Mind Matters platform, with specific advice on maintaining good mental wellbeing during the outbreak; take a look at our Story or visit the link in our bio to find out more. Speaking about the new guidance, The Duke and Duchess said: • “It is great to see the mental health sector working together with the NHS to help people keep on top of their mental well-being. • By pulling together and taking simple steps each day, we can all be better prepared for the times ahead”. • The Government has also announced a grant for @MindCharity to help fund their services for people struggling with their mental wellbeing during this time.

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Kensington Palace (@kensingtonroyal),

Pracovňa dánskej kráľovnej Margaréty II.

Švédska korunná princezná Viktória v pracovni

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Såväl privat, offentlig som ideell sektor påverkas av coronakrisen. Runtom i Sverige arbetar människor dag och natt för att vårda sjuka och minska smittspridningen. Många känner oro för framtiden, blandat med oro för nära och kära. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ Under förra veckan började Kronprinsessan och Prins Daniel att ringa runt till ett stort antal svenska organisationer och företag för att informera sig om läget. Under telefon- och videosamtalen, som fortsatte under gårdagen, framför Kronprinsessparet samtidigt sina hälsningar till alla de medarbetare och medlemmar som berörs av coronakrisen – och som bidrar med viktiga insatser för att mildra dess effekter. ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ : Victor Ericsson/Kungl. Hovstaterna

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Kungahuset (@kungahuset),

Manželka princa Charlesa, vojvodkyňa Camilla, vo svojej pracovni

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Today, a great number of new NHS Volunteer Responders will take up their duties in support of the NHS during the Coronavirus pandemic. Over 750,000 people signed up to the scheme in just four days after it was launched - three times the original target. Volunteers will be involved with... delivering medicines from pharmacies; driving patients to and from hospital; making regular phone calls to check on people in isolation; transporting medical supplies and equipment for the NHS. As the proud President of the @royalvolservice, The Duchess of Cornwall has got involved with the NHS Volunteer Responder programme herself by undertaking a ‘check-in and chat’ over the phone with Doris, 85, who has spent the last two weeks self-isolating. . ⬅️ Her Royal Highness also sent a message of thanks to all the NHS Volunteer Responders who have come forward to support the NHS at this great time of need. Read HRH’s message in full through the link in our bio. . Clarence House

Príspevok, ktorý zdieľa Clarence House (@clarencehouse),

Princ Charles vo svojej pracovni

Španielsky kráľ Felipe a jeho manželka, kráľovná Letizia v pracovni

Španielsky kráľ Felipe a jeho manželka,... Foto:
felipe Španielsky kráľ Felipe a jeho manželka, kráľovná Letizia v pracovni.

Švédsky princ Carl Philip v pracovni

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