Kate Hudson ukázala postavu po pôrode: 12 kilogramov musí ísť dole

Slávna hollywoodska hviezda sa túži vrátiť ku svojem pôvodnej hmotnosti - do jari.

03.12.2018 15:30
Kate Hudson Foto: ,
Herečka Kate Hudson.

V októbri porodila hollywoodska herečka Kate Hudson svoje tretie dieťa. Po dvoch synoch sa dočkala dcéry, ktorej otcom je muzikant Dannyo Fujikawa. Dievčatko dostalo meno Rani Rose Hudson Fujikawa.

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So...here we go! The routine with our baby is getting more familiar and I’m ready to start taking a little time in the day focusing on myself. For me that means my health. Why? Because I wanna be around a long time for these three kiddos of mine. I know that some are curious about what that means and for all you moms (wether working or not working moms) it is the most challenging thing in the world to balance kids and personal time. Let’s be honest, kids take the number one position and it’s haaaaard to make the time for yourself. I’ve been doing a lot of research and I’ve spent my life time trying all kinds of new things that are focused on health and wellness. Because I am on a mission right now to get back to my fighting weight ;) and my strong body/mind back I want to bring you in on some of this journey. If you want to follow a more in-depth of my to-dos, @prettyhappyofficial will be posting all kinds of fun tidbits from exercises we are loving to foods/recipes we and meditation practices I just can’t live without MY GOAL: I will be shooting a film in the spring and I’m looking to shed 25lbs. I’d like to try new workouts and eat as healthy as I can. I wanna do all this and keep up milk production, raise my kids, work everyday, make time for my man, have girlfriend time and stay sane! I know that this sounds more like a new year resolution but after Thanksgiving and everyone thanking their health, I feel motivated to keep that up. Much love and hope everyone’s Having an amazing start to the holidays!

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39-ročná herečka, ktorá sa na červených kobercoch vždy pýšila ukážkovou postavou, má pred sebou tvrdú prácu. Na jar sa postaví pred kameru v novom projekte a dovtedy je jej plán jasný – musí zhodiť 12 kilogramov. Svojím plánom a zároveň fotografiou v športovej podprsenke a legínach sa pochválila aj na svojom Instagrame.

Reálny vzhľad svojho tela po pôrode ukázala fanúšikom bez prikrášľovania, jej tehotenské kilá sú jasne viditeľné. Práve s nimi chce blond hviezda zabojovať pravidelným cvičením, zdravou stravou a meditáciou. „Svoju pôvodnú hmotnosť chcem späť,“ napísala.

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